Kindergarten Promotion Ceremony

Arbor Heights Elementary 3701 SW 104th St., Seattle, WA, United States

A special ceremony to honor our kindergartners who are moving on up to 1st grade.

5th-grade Promotion Ceremony

Arbor Heights Elementary 3701 SW 104th St., Seattle, WA, United States

A special celebration to honor our 5th-grade students moving on to middle school.

Kindergarten Open House

Arbor Heights Elementary 3701 SW 104th St., Seattle, WA, United States

For families with children starting kindergarten at Arbor Heights in September 2022.

Kindergarten Kick-off

Arbor Heights Elementary 3701 SW 104th St., Seattle, WA, United States

A community-building event for incoming kindergarten students and their families with the kindergarten teachers — fun activities and dinner!

Meet & Greet

Arbor Heights Elementary 3701 SW 104th St., Seattle, WA, United States

An all-school opportunity to meet your teacher, check out your new classroom and say hi to other kids in your class.

Back-to-School Ice Cream Social

Arbor Heights Elementary 3701 SW 104th St., Seattle, WA, United States

A back-to-school event for our entire school community.

Picture Day!

Arbor Heights Elementary 3701 SW 104th St., Seattle, WA, United States

Individual picture day for all PreK–5 students and staff.

Walk & Roll to School Day!

Walk, bike, or roll to school today. Can't walk or roll the whole way? Park a few blocks away from school and walk or roll your way to campus!

Curriculum Night

Arbor Heights Elementary 3701 SW 104th St., Seattle, WA, United States

For parents/guardians to learn about grade-level curriculum and expectations for the school year. An adult-only event (no childcare available).