Arbor Heights Elementary

Arbor Heights

Social Worker

Arbor Heights Social Worker

Primary services provided by our school social worker:

  • Classroom lessons focused on kindness, friendship skills, problem solving and social-emotional learning, etc.
  • Small groups e.g. friendship groups, social skills groups, grief and loss support, divorce support.
  • Individual work with students to address various topics, e.g. grief/loss, divorce, new to our school, serious illness of student/family member, anxiety, friendship problems, etc.

Additional services

  • Supporting children and families in crisis.
  • Connecting families to community and mental health resources
  • Coordinating 504 accommodation plans for students in need
  • Coordinating the school?s Backpack Program which provides food bags for the weekend for students in need
  • Collaborating with families, teachers, and other educators

How to access services

Anyone can access or request services for a student if concerns arise. Referrals can be sent to the social worker by families, teachers, administrators. Students can also self-refer.