Physical Education

Arbor Heights Physical Education
Arbor Heights is committed to providing a quality Physical Education (P.E.) program that builds knowledge, fitness, movement skills, social well-being, and confidence so all students can enjoy a healthy, active lifestyle.
Arbor Heights P.E. is a success-oriented program. Having students focus on what they can do as opposed to what others can do. Students are trying to improve their own skill level at their own pace. We work on specific fitness activities when students are in P.E.
P.E. Learning Highlights
P.E. Assessment
We encourage and motivate students to do their best with their “best form” connected to each exercise. Each year we assess students on the following fitness exercises:
- Push ups
- Curl ups
- Flexibility
- Cardio-respiratory endurance
For Grades 3–5, we take baseline assessments for each student at the beginning of the year with follow-up assessments at mid-year and end-year.
We will be tracking progress and success while enjoying the journey to being more fit. It’s a chance for students to see what they personally can do now and create goals to reach throughout the year.
P.E. Safety
Safety in the Gym
For safety purposes, it’s important students wear appropriate shoes in the gym.
Good Shoe Choices for Gym:
- supportive, closed-toed athletic shoes with laces or velcro straps e.g. running shoes, tennis shoes
Poor Shoe Choices for Gym:
- open-toed shoes e.g. sandals
- open-heeled shoes e.g. Crocs, Birkenstocks, slippers
- heeled shoes e.g. dress shoes
- boots e.g. rain boots
One of our overarching goals in P.E. is to have 100% participation in all activities throughout the year and wearing the right type of shoes helps. If you need assistance in providing your student with the right type of shoes, please reach out to Mr. Brannon or Mr. Davis.
COVID Protocols in the Gym
We are taking many precautions to ensure the gym is a safe and healthy environment for all students. SPS has provided air purifiers in each corner of the gym, enabling us to breathe clean air all day. We are limiting equipment usage during this time. The equipment we use is either sanitized or rotated out each period, allowing students to use clean and sanitary equipment.
We are always practicing social distance as much as possible and always keeping our masks on. Students have procedures to follow during restroom and water breaks that help fight Covid transmission. Students are doing great following all the procedures. We are very proud of them for being their best to keep each other safe and healthy.
Safety with Our Hearts
We are always looking to create stronger bodies, minds, and spirits. Just as important as our mental well-being. We will do our best to make sure students are caring for each other’s hearts. As Jr. Seahawks, we have the responsibility to be kind, be accountable and own our learning.
In P.E., we teach students to solve problems together. Listening and communicating with kindness is the expectation. We have an area in our gym called the Conflict Corner — an area where students can go with another student to work out any problem they are having with each other. They will follow a set of steps to help them mediate the situation.
The idea is for the students to hear each other and come to a resolution that both students can feel good about. We will help mediate the issues that are brought to Conflict Corner if necessary. For lesser problems, like, “it’s my turn,” or “I was first,” students will be encouraged to play Rock, Paper, Scissors and resolve the problem. This approach usually works well once we teach how we speak to each other and use “I feel” statements.