Students are regularly assessed by their classroom teachers in order to monitor progress and to guide instruction. In Math, students take the end-of-unit assessments provided by the Math in Focus resource. In Reading, students take phonics assessments provided by the K–2 CORE Phonics Assessment resource. They also participate in the Teacher’s College Running Record assessment which assesses reading accuracy, fluency, and comprehension.
Measure of Academic Progress (MAP)
Students in Grades 1 & 2 take the MAP two times per year (Fall and Spring).
Students in Grade K take the MAP one time per year (Spring ONLY).
The MAP assessment assesses Math and Reading and is provided by the Seattle School District.
Smarter Balanced Assessment
Students in Grades 3, 4 & 5 take the Smarter Balance each Spring.
The Smarter Balanced Assessment assesses Math, Reading, Writing, and Science and is provided by Washington State.