Arbor Heights Elementary

Arbor Heights

Community Update — Nov. 8, 2023

Top 5+

  1. Veterans Day Assembly: Tomorrow, Nov. 9, we will honor Veterans at our all-school assembly at 8:15 a.m. led by our own Student Government. We will provide seating for guests (you, if you wish!) in the assembly area in the cafeteria. Contact Mary Sanderson with questions:
  2. Parent/Teacher Conferences: We sincerely hope all parents/guardians can attend! You should have received your invitation to sign up for a conference from your child’s teacher. Ask the teacher for clarification if you require more info. We prefer that all conferences be held in person, but we understand that’s not always possible and will arrange for virtual conferences, should you require that option. Please let us know how we can help you!
  3. We All play a role in School Safety. It is important that everyone in our school knows and follows our safety procedures and processes.
    • All visitors should sign in at the main office when on campus.
    • All adults should wear SPS staff or visitor identification while in school buildings.
    • School exterior doors should be kept closed and locked.
    • Please let your school leader and school staff know if you have concerns or questions regarding student safety and well-being.
    • Safety concerns should be reported right away by calling 911, the Safe Schools Hotline (206-252-0510), or SPS’ new mobile app.
  4. Volunteers Wanted: Do you want to help monitor students in our cafeteria and playground? We have volunteer shifts available between 11:20 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. each day (smaller shifts are available within that time). If interested, email Alana Haider and Darren Frink (both in the same email) at and You must also complete the SPS Volunteer Application.
  5. Lost & Found has been cleared out, and all items donated for the second time this year. Please remember to label your child’s belongings. We cannot get items back to their owners without knowing who they belong to! The next L&F donation day will occur Friday, Dec. 15.
  6. Hearing/Vision Screening: Can you help? Nurse Shellee will conduct vision screening on all students Nov. 15–17 and hearing screening on Nov. 30–Dec. 1. We asked for volunteers to help bring classes to the screening area and to help keep kids organized, and have almost filled most positions. We still need volunteers for Nov. 30 and Dec. 1. If you can help, with hearing/vision screening, please sign up!
  7. Picture Retake Day, Nov. 16: Students who missed picture day should plan on getting a photo taken on makeup/retake day. Families can preorder photos 2023-24 Arbor Heights Elementary Retake Day Pre-orders 11/16. If you preordered portraits (ordered without viewing) and would like a retake, your student can return their portrait package in exchange for a complimentary retake replacement; please note that the retake photo will be the photo that is included in the yearbook. View and order photos from picture day using your student’s SPS school ID number as the online code and an email address.
  8. School Lunch Menu: The menu posted on our website and on SPS’ website is not always accurate. Why? This year SPS Culinary Services is trying to work with new vendors. When the vendors do not have the items for us, the school menu changes. The lunchroom managers are not notified until the day before or even sometimes the day of, and the menu changes almost weekly, which is why the website menu is sometimes incorrect. Miss Malvinna, our fabulous lunchroom manager, can let students know what is for lunch a day ahead, but that’s the best we can do for now.
  9. Inclement weather is on the way! Please make sure your child wears a warm jacket to school along with a hat, gloves, and sometimes boots. We expect all students to participate in outdoor recess for fresh air. Shivering through the cold days is no fun.


SBA Testing Window (Grades 3-5)
May 1 @ 12:00 am – June 4 @ 11:59 pm
Popcorn Friday
May 17 @ 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Lost & Found Donation Day
May 31 @ 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

PTA News

Harvest Dance Thank You’s: The PTSA would like to thank all the families who attended the Harvest Dance last Friday. Building up our community through events for Arbor Heights families is a central part of our mission, and we were thrilled for the opportunity to bring the Harvest Dance back to Arbor Heights. This event would not have been possible without the assistance of our Arbor Heights staff and family volunteers

After-School Enrichment Survey: Please complete a 2-minute survey and provide your input into what classes are offered for After-School Enrichment organized by the Arbor Heights PTSA! Registration for the winter session will be in December.

Seeking Three More Hawkeyes: Our classroom-based parent support network is on the lookout for at least three more amazing parents to join our team as Hawkeyes. Ms. Day, Ms. Coghill, and Ms. Nall could use your support. Learn more about becoming a Hawkeye and consider signing up.

Learn more about the Arbor Heights PTSA.