Directions and Map
Arbor Heights Directions and Map
Arbor Heights Address and Map
Arbor Heights Elementary is located in the Arbor Heights neighborhood of West Seattle at 3701 SW 104th St. between 35th Ave SW and 39th Ave SW.
Morning Arrival Overview
- Students can begin arriving at school at 7:35 a.m. when supervision begins.
- Students eating breakfast at school go immediately to the lunchroom.
- Students not eating breakfast go immediately to the playfield.
- For health and safety, only students and staff are allowed in the building or on the playfield.
- Students should be on the playfield by 7:50 a.m. when the first bell rings to line up with their class.
- When the final bell rings at 7:55 a.m., teachers will begin walking their students into class.
- Any student arriving after the final bell rings at 7:55 a.m. must come through the front door entry and into the office to receive a late pass.
- If for any reason you need to park, please use one of the side streets near the school e.g. 36th Ave SW, 37th Ave SW, 37th Ave Place SW, or 38th Ave SW. We do not want anyone parking on 104th and 105th for safety reasons. The streets are too narrow for buses, parked cars, two-way car traffic, walkers, bikers, etc. to navigate safely.
- We are in the process of working with SDOT on some traffic and safety improvements.
Front Door Entry for Drive-Thru Drop-off

- Students who are dropped off by car in the school driveway roundabout by the front entrance will be able to use the school’s front doors to access the lunchroom and playfield.
- We encourage drivers to enter the school driveway on SW 104th from 35th Ave SW.
- Drivers must exit the school driveway by taking a right turn on SW 105th to head west (towards 39th Ave SW).
104th & 105th Gate Entries and Walk Areas

- Students may enter the playfield through the gates on SW 104th or SW 105th.
- If a parent/guardian walks with their child to the gate, please say your goodbyes on the sidewalk as only students and staff are allowed on the playfield.
- There is a very small area for students to be dropped off by car on SW 104th (west of 104th field gate) on the sidewalk (school side) of the street. While we prefer families to use the school driveway roundabout, if you do decide to use this zone, please stop and drop off only (no parking).
- The non-sidewalk sides of SW 104th and SW 105th are No Drop-Off/Pick-Up zones. Please keep your children safe by only dropping them off in a designated area.
- The is NO PARKING on either side of the street on SW 104th and SW 105th.
105th Drop-off Areas for PreK and K Only

- Students in PreK and K may be dropped off by car on SW 105th. Please stop and drop off in a designated area on the sidewalk (school side) of the street.
- Drivers are encouraged to enter SW 105th from 35th Ave SW and head west towards 39th Ave SW. The street is narrow!
- There is NO PARKING on SW 105th. Be a good neighbor, please!
- The non-sidewalk sides of SW 104th and SW 105th are No Drop-off/Pick-up zones. Please keep your children safe by only dropping them off in a designated area.
- If a parent/guardian walks with their child to the gate, please say your goodbyes on the sidewalk, as only students and staff are allowed on the playfield.
Afternoon Dismissal Overview
- Students are dismissed at 2:25 p.m. (1:10 p.m. on Wednesdays).
- Students getting picked up by a parent/guardian or designated caregiver can:
- Get picked up by car in the driveway roundabout.
- Get picked up by car on SW 105th (for PreK and K students only).
- Meet their parent/guardian or caregiver at the 104th or 105th gates.
- Meet their parent/guardian or caregiver at the PreK or K gates (for PreK and K students only).
- Parents/guardians are responsible for providing their child’s teacher at the beginning of the school year with their child’s regular dismissal plan.
- Any student not picked up within 10 minutes of the dismissal bell will be brought to the school office, and one of our office staff will call parents/guardians. Students will ONLY be released to a parent/guardian or another authorized pick-up person on file.